Transfer Information
Transferring to Paradise Valley Community College?
If you have attended a regionally accredited college or university and completed courses before Paradise Valley Community College, please have your official transcripts sent directly from your previous school to the address below:
Paradise Valley Community College
Admissions and Records
18401 N. 32nd St
Phoenix, AZ 85025
For a better understanding of what you will need to know, please complete this Canvas course
You can meet with an Academic Advisor while you wait for Paradise Valley Community College to receive and evaluate the official transcripts but please make sure to bring an unofficial copy of your transcript to your meeting.
Earn University Transfer Credits at Paradise Valley Community College
Earning credits/degrees at Paradise Valley Community College is the smart and affordable way to transfer to a university. Paradise Valley Community College is fully accredited and has university transfer specialists who can assist you with a seamless transition to a university.
Steps to Transfer
Step One - Start Early and Plan Ahead
- Meet with your academic advisor
- Define transfer goals (short-term/long-term)
- Be aware of transfer plans and transfer advising guides
Step Two - Choose an Institution
- Look at various schools
- Start preliminary research on primary factors (majors/cost)
- Availability of majors
- Location of the university
- Size of the university
- Is the university public or private?
- Costs - to include tuition, financial aid, and possible scholarship information
- Admissions requirements - G.P.A. and due dates for admission applications
- Availability of Student Housing
Step Three - Research Your Options
- Narrow down your search after eliminating those that didn’t make the cut
- Start reviewing secondary factors (size of university, organizations, resources)
- Become familiar with the admissions process, acceptance criteria, and application costs
- Admission requirements - G.P.A. requirements
- Policies regarding repeated courses & G.P.A. calculation
- Does a grade of "D" transfer?
- Minimum and maximum transfer credits accepted
- Talk to a university representative
- After visiting the campus, can you picture yourself there as a student?
- All related tuition and living costs
- Individual class size
Step Four - Get Organized
- Be aware of upcoming deadlines and documents needed
- Application deadline
- Financial Aid deadline
- Scholarship Requirements and Deadlines
- Housing Application deadlines
- Contact institutions for additional questions
- Choose final selections (students can apply to multiple universities)
Always make and keep a copy of everything you submit to an institution. It is also a good idea to note the date and person you speak to and the information that you discussed.
Step Five - Develop Your Plan
- Map out transfer tasks (admissions application, financial aid, scholarships, housing)
- Begin completing transfer tasks
- Common University Application Requirements
- Admissions Application
- Application Fee (fees vary by university & some offer financial need waivers)
- Official Transcripts
- Vaccination Records
- Testing Records (supplemental - dependent on university requirements)
- Writing Statement (supplemental - dependent on university requirements)
- Letters of Recommendation (supplemental - dependent on university requirements)
- Common University Application Requirements
Step Six - Finish Up
- Take care of any outstanding items/tasks
- Celebrate your accomplishments!