Speak Up

speak up

If you encounter a student you are concerned about (CARE), or is generally disruptive to the learning environment, in or outside of the classroom, or who may have violated the academic or Student Code of CONDUCT, or has been discriminated against or sexually harassed TITLE IX, we recommend that you share your concerns and/or report the behavior or incident using the referral/reporting forms. The following resources are provided to help guide you in making the correct referral or report. Students may use the CARE report/referral system to self-report a need or to obtain assistance for another student. 

CARE Reporting (Early Alert)

The Student CARE reporting form may be used by Faculty, Staff (including Peer Mentors and Peer Leaders) and students to refer students of concern. The student of concern may have shared that they have:

  • Financial (homelessness/food insecurity, emergency fund access, financial aid, etc.)
  • Personal (anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, change in behavior, home circumstances, etc.)
  • Academic difficulties (missing classes/excessive absences, missing assignments, drop in grades, etc.)

Upon receipt of the CARE Report, someone from the CARE Team will reach out within 24 hours to the student by phone and/or email. If possible, please let the student know that you are making a referral so that they are expecting to call from a member of the CARE Team.  

CONDUCT incident Report

This form may be used to report general student misconduct or student code violations according to 2.5 Student Rights and Responsibilities. If you are unsure, use this form for general reporting. Misconduct for which students are subject to disciplinary action falls into the general areas of:

  1. Cheating on an examination, assessment tests, laboratory work, written work (plagiarism), falsifying, forging or altering college records
  2. Actions or verbal statements which threaten the personal safety of any faculty, staff, students, or others lawfully assembled on the campus, or any conduct which is harmful, obstructive, disruptive to, or interferes with the educational process or institutional functions
  3. Violation of Arizona statutes, and/or college regulations and policies
  4. Use of college computer resources such as the Internet in violation of Technology Resource Standards (AR 4.4) which may result in notification of law enforcement authorities 

Faculty: When making a referral or submitting a conduct/incident report, please first discuss your concerns with the student and let them know that someone will be reaching out to them. Also, be sure to communicate with your Department Chair on all matters related to the classroom learning environment.

Staff: When making a student referral, please be sure to let the student know you will be sharing your concern with the CARE Team and someone will be reaching out to them. Also communicate this concern with your immediate supervisor.

Students/Bystander awareness - any student who is aware of student misconduct should report it using the conduct incident report and/or reach out to the Manager of Student Care and Conduct.

Title IX – Discrimination, ADA, and Sexual Harassment

Use this form to Report Title IX complaints based on the protected class such as:

  • sex/gender
  • sexual harassment
  • hostile environment misconduct
  • stalking
  • domestic violence
  • sexual assault
  • dating
  • sexual orientation
  • discrimination
  • ADA
  • Pregnancy

Title IX Regional Director is :

Faridah Abdullah, LMSW

To learn more about Title IX, go to:

Title IX and Preventing Sexual Harassment | Maricopa Community Colleges

Instructional Grievance Process for Students

Concerns by students of unfair or unjust treatment by a faculty member with regard to the academic process such as grading, testing, or assignments. To report an instructional grievance:

  • the student must first try to resolve the situation with the faculty (instructor/professor) within 15 working days of incident
  • if the grievance is not resolved with faculty, the student can request to speak to the Division/Department Chair within 10 days of meeting with instructor
  • if and only if the grievance is not resolved with the Div/Dept. Chair, you may request to speak with the Dean of Academic Affairs within 10 days of meeting with Div/Dept Chair

The request to meet with Division/Department Chair and the Dean AA the request must be done in writing per Administrative Regulation S-6.

To file a written Instructional Grievance, you will need to use the Student Academic Grievance Form. This form is required. Please attach all materials related to your grievance (e.g. syllabus, test results, correspondence, etc.) Instructional Grievance Form

Non-Instructional Grievance Process for Students

Concerns by students of unfair or unjust treatment by any PVCC employee with regard to student services or administrative services. To report a non-instructional grievance:

  • the student must first try to resolve the situation with the employee
  • if the grievance is not resolved at this level, the student can request to speak to the employee’s supervisor. This request must be done in writing.

To submit a non-instructional grievance at: https://www.paradisevalley.edu/students/dean-students/student-complaint-form