Student Life & Leadership

Student Life & Leadership

There are so many advantages to becoming a part of PVCC’s Student Life and Leadership office!

  • Connect with fellow students
  • Discover empowerment
  • Make a difference

We sponsor numerous campus events and opportunities for you to participate in our dynamic learning environment. Through Student Life, students engage in educational relationships that inspire positive social change, contributing to a richer and more fulfilling college experience. Not only that, students build leadership and professional skills that carry on through life.

Get Involved!

  • Cultivate diverse leadership strategies and skills
  • Form behavioral modifications to enhance personal wellness
  • Develop and utilize problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Expound effective oral and written communication skills
  • Recognize and apply time and stress management strategies for balancing education, service, work and leisure
  • Create intercultural competence and skills needed to live, work and serve in a diverse society
  • Apply civic responsibility, leadership values, and skills with a specific emphasis on leadership for social change

Our Mission

Our mission is to motivate students to engage in their learning experiences through participation in educational leadership, service, recreational, wellness and cultural activities. We build connections between academic, co-curricular and extra­curricular programs to enhance student learning and development. As a program committed to creating high quality opportunities for learning we continually evaluate and assess our effectiveness in an effort to develop an engaging campus environment.

Meet Our Staff

Mike Ho
Mike is the Director of the Student Life and Leadership Office and has been in this role for over 25 years. Mike has a master's degree in educational leadership and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. 
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Michelle Cunneen
Michelle is the  Student Services Specialist  Sr and has a bachelor’s degree in counseling from ASU. Michelle oversees clubs, organizations, and various events. 
Contact :

Emma Magaña 
Emma is the Student Services Specialist in Student Life & Leadership. She has an Associate of Arts degree from PVCC. Emma manages civic engagement, various events, as well as the Puma Pantry.

Steva Faranci 
Steva is the Student Life Office Assistant and is currently pursuing an Associate of Arts degree and hopes to pursue A Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary studies at ASU. 
(602) 787-7240