Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning


General Education Assessment 3.0

Assessment for learning is the cornerstone of PVCC’s ongoing effort to be a learning-centered college and is in direct alignment with the college’s mission statement, core value of learning, and strategic goals. The Assessment for Learning Team (ALT) strives to make assessment a sustainable collaborative process that clarifies learning expectations, promotes meaningful dialogue and transparency, uses evidence to improve learning, and facilitates organizational change.

Assessment Quick Facts

The Value of General Education at Paradise Valley Community College

Contrary to the popular belief that general education is something to “get out of the way”, “a waste of time and money”, or “not related to my major”, general education is the foundation needed to be successful personally, academically, and professionally. According to a recent study by Hart Research Associates (2015), 91 % of employers surveyed “totally agree” that “a candidate’s demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than his or her undergraduate major” (p. 6). It is beneficial for PVCC, employers, members of the community, and especially students to facilitate and assess learning related to general education.

Students are encouraged to reflect on, self-assess, and further develop general education abilities. To assess your current abilities take the PVCC General Education Skills Inventory.