Searching for Grant Funding Opportunities

Searching for Grant Funding Opportunities

There are many grant fund websites that can be accessed to locate possible sources of grant funding. Access to some websites, such as eCivis, is on a subscription basis, in which the subscriber submits criteria for the type of grant being sought (Technology, Childcare, Math, etc.). PVCC subscribes to eCivis through Maricopa District Offices and receives daily available grant announcements. In addition, grant announcements are received periodically from District Grants Development Office, and finally, there is free access to many other grant fund websites.

It is important to coordinate all grant searches and grant work with the College Grant Officer early in your search. The Grants Coordinator can assist in determining the feasibility of writing Grant Proposal and in discussing Grant requirements with Supervisor/Division Chair/Manager to ensure that Grant requirements are feasible and can be satisfied.

The College Grants Officer, Director of Development & Community Relations and the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation can assist with Grants that require 501(c)(3) status.

With the approval of Supervisor/Division Chair/Manager, a Proposed Grant-Funded Project Pre-Submission form is prepared and presented to the President’s Leadership Team (PLT) for review. Presidential approval is required before proceeding to next step.