Scholarship Searches

Scholarship Searches

Scholarships will often have a separate application process that must be completed, but most follow the same 3 Easy Steps:

1. Research

There are many scholarships out there, offered by high schools, colleges, private donors, foundations, businesses, churches, non-profits, communities, employers, and professional organizations. Some are based on merit, talent, and/or financial need. 

You can start your search with the listings we have on our website.   Check back often for any new listings or details. 

2. Prepare

Carefully read the requirements/criteria for the scholarship.  Be prepared to answer essay questions, and provide documents such as transcripts, letter of recommendations, or references.  Don’t wait until the last minute to apply!

3. Apply 

Submit your application and any requested documentation by the deadline!  Make sure you have checked your application for accuracy, especially spelling grammar.