Fingerprint Cards

Fingerprint Cards

How to Obtain a Fingerprint Clearance Card

Why do I need a Fingerprint Clearance Card?

Arizona state law requires any person who participates in a teacher preparation program to obtain an “Identity Verified Print” (IVP) Fingerprint Clearance Card. Arizona school districts require that college students be fingerprinted prior to participating in field experiences at their schools.

How long is my Fingerprint Clearance Card valid?

Your Fingerprint Clearance Card is valid for 6 years.

Where can I obtain a Fingerprint Clearance Card?

Go to the following website 

Other than personal information, what else do I need to know in order to complete my application?

When requesting your card please make sure you specify that you need the “IVP (Identity Verified Prints) Volunteer or Student" card under the "Why I need to be fingerprinted" section. Also, under the Sponsors section, choose "Teacher or Teacher Preparation Program"

Is there a fee?

The fee for obtaining a Fingerprint Clearance Card is $72.95.