Career Goals

career goals

The Early Childhood Education Program at PVCC
“Quality Education That Counts”

Match your educational goal to PVCC’s Early Childhood Education classes!

ADHS Licensing Requirement

Each credit at PVCC is worth 18 clock hours of training! You can help meet your annual training requirements and earn college credit.
Educational Requirements
Courses at PVCC can be used to meet various accreditation criteria for administrators, teachers, and teacher assistants.
Enhanced skills and employment performance PVCC’s Early Childhood Education classes are taught by experienced instructors with advanced degrees and training.  Classes are designed to provide you with skills, knowledge, and techniques that you can use immediately in your work with children and families.
PVCC logo
CDA Council
CDA Council

The Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ is a nationally recognized credential. The CDA®, administered by the Council for Professional Recognition, is an important key to broadening your professional practice and access to new opportunities.

ECE @ PVCC specializes in offering college courses to fulfill the CDA educational requirements.  ECE @ PVCC also offers mentoring with the admissions process, CDA course selection, and Arizona specific Early Childhood Education scholarships and grants to the CDA prospective candidates.

Sena Ceklic

Sena Ceklic

Matt Logelin

Matt Logelin 

Matt and Sena are working diligently to ensure the well-being of our unique ECE@PVCC program and supporting interested students in joining the program and working to obtain the national Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. Please click on the video below to learn more about The CDA Experience with ECE@PVCC. 
Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Early Childhood Certificate and Endorsement PVCC’s Early Childhood and Child and Family Studies classes can be used to meet the requirements of the state’s new Early Childhood (birth – 3rd grade) Certificate Option B or endorsement.

Contact Christie Colunga by e-mail at or by phone at
602-787-7731 for additional information.