PVCC Celebrates Earth Day with Campus Cleanup and Events

Thursday, April 20, 2023
PVCC Celebrates Earth Day with Campus Cleanup and Events

Each year, the world marks the beginning of the modern environmental movement of 1970 by celebrating Earth Day. This year’s Earth Day theme – Invest in Our Planet – inspires people to take action and “act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).” And while nearly one billion people celebrate globally, here at Paradise Valley Community College, we are doing our own part to make an impact on our local community.

  • On April 20th, the Liberty Wildlife animal sanctuary is coming to PVCC to educate others about our world’s endangered species, and will include a live animal demonstration along with a discussion on how to coexist with wildlife. The presentation will be held from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. in the KSC building, Room 1000A on the Union Hills Campus.
  • Additionally from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m that same day, PVCC's Sustainability Department is demonstrating a beginner’s guide to composting in Cordova Plaza.

Help PVCC Cleanup Around Campus

Volunteers are encouraged to join the Campus Cleanup, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Friday, April 21 on the Union Hills campus’ 4.4-acre lot behind the Q Building. Volunteers will meet on the soccer fields and be provided claw grabbers and gloves for the cleanup effort; lunch will be served. A map is available on the RSVP form.

Not able to attend PVCC’s events? There are plenty of additional ways you can participate in Earth Day.

At home, try switching to a plant-based diet and compost regularly; for groceries, bring reusable bags; switch your bills to paperless; carry a reusable water bottle; turn off lights and unplug appliances when not in use; plant a garden; turn off faucet when brushing your teeth; wash laundry in cold water.

PVCC Facilities has made great strides to impact the environment in a positive way, as well.

  1. Changed to green clean products for use in all buildings, classrooms, common areas and restrooms.
  2. Replaced the irrigation system to a control panel system to conserve water flow.
  3. Provided side-by-side recycling and trash containers throughout campus.
  4. Obtained a cardboard compactor to recycle cardboard.
  5. Created more xeriscaped vegetation beds for less water usage.
  6. Landscape edging is made of refurbished tires to look like block edging instead of concrete blocks.
  7. Upgraded the air filter system in buildings to purge air twice a day.
  8. Installed water bottle fillers in all buildings and hands-free faucets and shut off valves in all restrooms, including automatic flushers on all toilets to conserve water.
  9. Upgraded light fixtures to LED lighting with control-timed switches to shut down when classes and offices are unoccupied.

Check out PVCC’s Earth Month 2023, and send in your photos of how you are making a difference to media@paradisevalley.edu or tag PVCC in your social media posts!