Attention Book Lovers! Must Reads for Fall 2023, Plus PVCC's Book Club Pick

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Attention Book Lovers!

Book lovers rejoice! Paradise Valley Community College’s Librarian Paula Crossman has once again put together a list of must-reads for the fall semester, as well as a list of upcoming releases to be sure to check out.

  1. The Book Proposal by K.J. Micciche.

How can you resist an adorable love story about a romance author who uses her real-life crush’s past love life to catalyze her writer’s block?

  1. Weyward: a Novel by Emilia Hart.

This one is for historical fiction lovers interested in nature, witchcraft, and sisterhood. This novel follows the lives of three women from 1619 to 2019, and though you’re eager to turn the page, you hate to leave any of their stories behind.

  1. Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor.

Do you love epic novels with fascinating characters and suspense? Kapoor delivers in this tragic love story populated by gangsters, avarice, and lawlessness set in India. This is the first in a trilogy, so prepare for the rollercoaster ride to continue.

  1. The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents by Lisa Damour, Ph.D.

As a parent of teenagers, this book is now my bible. It is a book I wish my parents had read too. Damour shares helpful insights on maintaining a loving and respectful connection with our children as they enter tumultuous adolescence and become increasingly independent and often exasperating. She offers excellent advice for dealing with out-of-control emotions.

  1. Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr.

Doerr’s gorgeous, centuries-spanning tale broadcasts a love of books and libraries, so it’s not surprising that I LOVED it. The ancient story of Aethon unites several characters from 15th-century Constantinople to a not-so-distant future off-planet. Woven through the story are themes of survival and loss and the necessity of stories to preserve hope. Doerr’s previous novel, All the Light We Cannot See, won a Pulitzer and will be released as a Netflix mini-series in November 2023.

  1. 8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty’s viral videos are heartwarming and fun. In his book, he offers common-sense advice on how to love yourself and others well. It’s not necessarily new advice, but if you’re like me, repetition helps build understanding, especially when the advice is delivered in a compassionate voice like Shetty’s.

Interested in Joining PVCC’s Book Club?

PVReads, led by PVCC Reading Faculty Michelle Bielick, announced its first book selection for the 2023-2024 academic year – The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Students and all employees are welcome to join PVReads by self-enrolling here. There is also a Canvas course that anyone can enroll in to stay up to date with the latest information. The first meeting is next Tuesday, September 26th at 2 p.m. Email for more information.

Arriving Soon at PVCC Library

The following books will be arriving soon at Buxton Library, and you must check them out:

  • Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic by Emily Monosson. You played or watched Last of Us. Now find out what is truly possible (silent scream).

  • Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto. You'll be giggling for days, about this cozy mystery’s most indomitable and endearing amateur sleuth. Bonus: the mystery is set in lovely San Francisco.

  • Crook Manifesto by Colson Whitehead. Whitehead’s characters are thrillingly alive because he is a genius at writing dialogue. His stories are fast-paced and authentic. This novel brings 1970s Harlem to life and affirms the power of family.

  • Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. I come from a family of four sisters, so this story about the Padavano sisters resonated with me. Oprah agrees that this is a great book. It explores how grief changes us in both positive and negative ways. Napolitano also authored Dear Edward, about the sole survivor of a plane crash, released this year as an Apple TV original series.

Visit the Buxton Library at 18401 North 32nd St., E-Bldg - #E171, Phoenix, AZ 85032 or call 602-787-7203.