PVCC’s ESL Classes Return to In-Person Instruction

Monday, August 16, 2021
PVCC’s ESL Classes Return to In-Person Instruction

Why wait? Paradise Valley Community College’s campus is reopening for in-person instruction this fall; that includes our community English as a Second Language (ESL) classes.

PVCC’s ESL program helps students improve their language skills, gain confidence, and better positions in their jobs, as well as communicate easier during interactions with doctors, teachers, and colleagues. Both daytime and night classes are available and listed here. Additionally, PVCC has taken several safety precautions to make sure our students, staff, and faculty remain healthy and safe while on campus.

Although our students adjusted very well to online learning during the pandemic, we know that most prefer being present in the classroom,” said Dr. Leila Palis, English faculty member and instructor. “Learning a second language is incredibly tough and in-person learning alleviates many of the obstacles students face. We are so excited to get back in the classroom and help our students achieve their personal, professional, and academic goals.”

"Dr. Palis has been one of my favorite professors of all time and her dedication to ESL students is admirable,” said former student Camila Olave-Rodriguez. “She gave me confidence to communicate as a non-native speaker and improve upon my writing skills. She is organized, caring, and knowledgeable and her ESL classes are designed to make you succeed…This program prepared me for future classes - and the rest of my degree - where lots of writing and research was involved. These classes are the foundation to be a better communicator, better researcher, and better critical thinker. I don't know where I would be without this program.”

Olave-Rodriguez now works in the Office of the President here at PVCC as an administrative assistant.

For more information about PVCC’s ESL program and our mission, click here. More tips on keeping you healthy and safe can be found here.