Managing Stress During Finals

Monday, May 3, 2021
Managing Stress During Finals

You’re in the home stretch. Finals are just around the corner and, naturally, can be stressful. To manage your stress, here are some tips on calming your nerves, staying focused, and finishing strong.

  • Visualize Success
    By manifesting the outcome, you can relax and find a peaceful place in your mind.
  • Eat that Frog
    Conquer the hardest or biggest thing first. As Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen the rest of the day.” Bottom line - don’t procrastinate the hard stuff.
  • Get Organized
    Make a list, buy a planner… do whatever you need to to feel organized and prepared. Create a schedule for your days. Sticking to it and being productive gives you a sense of accomplishment.
  • Take Things One Day at a Time
    Considering everything you need to get done at once is overwhelming and counterproductive. Go back to your list.
  • Get Plenty of Sleep
    Interrupted sleep can lead to foggy brain, lack of concentration, irritability and more. Be sure you are getting enough rest. Identify when you study best, whether it be morning or night. When do you concentrate the best and retain information?

Most importantly, reach out if you need extra help. Drop by the counseling center anytime or create a study group with peers. Even in the midst of Covid, virtual study groups work great.