Finding Success During Finals Week

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Finding Success During Finals Week

Final exams are approaching fast and while finals week looks different this semester, finding effective ways to be successful at taking tests online can help you finish strong. You have enough pressure during this last push, coupled with life stresses due to the Coronavirus outbreak, and you’ve got your work cut out for you. Just breathe and remember to work smarter, not harder. Include a bit of planning and preparation and you can be just as successful online as you are in the classroom.

  1. Be mentally prepared in advance. Do not procrastinate. Reviewing your notes and materials multiple times helps you absorb the information and make it stick. Studies show that if a student reviews material regularly, in advance (leading up to the exam) with a quick review the night before or the day of, that student can significantly boost their score.
  2. Listening is key. As the semester winds down, continue to pay close attention during your class so that you maximize retention and gain clear understanding on the information being taught. Staying completely engaged during class is a huge advantage in your learning.
  3. Plan a study session with classmates via chat rooms. Zoom, Facebook Live, Google Chat are all great. Reviewing information with others can significantly help you make better sense of the subject at hand. Chat rooms give everyone a chance to ask questions and participate.
  4. Prior to the test, reach out to your instructor or TA with any questions. Be sure you are clear on what material will be on exams. Remember, they want to see you succeed.

Lastly, stay hydrated and well rested. Taking care of yourself is underrated and not doing so can have a significant impact on your success. For many, this semester has presented unforeseen challenges, different routines, and new habits. Remember that tweaking your study skills to accommodate online learning is achievable. May the 4th be with you!!!