Join us for an engaging presentation on Rose Hum Lee (1904–1964), a groundbreaking sociologist whose work shaped our understanding of the Chinese American experience. As the daughter of Chinese immigrants, Lee provided an insider’s perspective on social structures and family life in American Chinatowns. She earned her doctorate at the University of Chicago at 43 and later led the Department of Sociology at Roosevelt University, a historically black institution.
Lee’s advocacy for assimilation as a pathway to progress for Chinese Americans, along with her critiques of traditional leadership, sparked important conversations that continue to influence sociological research today. She left an indelible mark on the field before her passing in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1964.
About the Presenter
Dr. Li Yang, an Arizona Humanities Road Scholar since 2015, brings her extensive expertise in Chinese and Chinese American history to this presentation. Dr. Yang is an award-winning author and translator, with her writings featured in The Journal of Arizona History and other major publications. Holding a Ph.D. in East Asian Studies from the University of Arizona, she has taught at several prestigious institutions, including the University of Arizona and Arizona State University.