Success Stories

Susan Karoubi

Susan Karoubi

Susan Karoubi loves networking and sharing her positive experiences at PVCC. While at PVCC, Susan completed post baccalaureate coursework focused on the sciences (EMT, anatomy, human pathology and physiology) to add to her Bachelor of Science… Read more about Susan Karoubi

Susanna “Susie” Satta

Susanna “Susie” Satta

Susie Satta started her higher education journey at PVCC.  What started out as a plan to take a few courses while able to continue living at home ended up being an opportunity to develop lifelong friendships coupled with the freedom to… Read more about Susanna “Susie” Satta

Tamara Gligoric

Tamara Gligoric

What inspired you to attend PVCC?

My journey at PVCC began through the Early College program. As a 15 year old, I was initially nervous and hesitant when it came to this opportunity, but my brother encouraged me to apply… Read more about Tamara Gligoric

Theresa Mazza

Theresa Mazza

Theresa Mazza has had a remarkable journey. From sous chef creating recipes and menus for celebrities, athletes and high profile clients to entrepreneur and brand ambassador with stops along the way to complete her Bachelors of Science in Health… Read more about Theresa Mazza

Tiara Khalid

Tiara Khalid

Tiara confidently states that “PVCC provides all the resources for students to be successful.” As support for this proclamation, she points to the coursework and extracurricular opportunities available at PVCC as brought to life by its remarkable… Read more about Tiara Khalid

Tiffany Matthews

Tiffany Matthews

A visit to the Fresh Start Women’s Center proved to play a significant role in Tiffany Matthews’ desire to start a small business. While there, Tiffany saw a brochure promoting the Small Business Start-up Certificate for PVCC Women in Business. “… Read more about Tiffany Matthews

Tira Poole

Tira Poole

After a break from college due to health reasons, Tira decided it was time to return.  Originally her degree was in Theatre; however, she wasn’t sure her “old” credits would transfer. “While waiting in the lobby to speak with PVCC’s Theatre… Read more about Tira Poole

Tom D’Ambrosio and Kyle Hollenbeck

Tom D’Ambrosio and Kyle Hollenbeck

Following the advice of his father, Tom D’Ambrosio pursued his undergraduate degree in order to achieve his dream of becoming a chef. This pursuit started at PVCC and culminated in a business partnership with close friend and PVCC alumnus, Kyle… Read more about Tom D’Ambrosio and Kyle Hollenbeck

Travis Guinta

Travis Guinta

A late-night conversation with his roommate while seated on the kitchen countertop provided the “a-ha” moment for Travis Guinta.  He always had an urge to serve his country...but in what way; this was the unknown.  In the late-night… Read more about Travis Guinta

Trisha Chandler, PharmD

Trisha Chandler, PharmD

Dr. Trisha Chandler attended several community colleges upon graduating from Desert Mountain high school.  She found the science track and professors at PVCC to be a perfect fit as she progressed through her educational goals. She felt at… Read more about Trisha Chandler, PharmD

Uche Nwambuonwo

Uche Nwambuonwo

Uche’s family immigrated to the US from Nigeria in 1996. Upon graduating from high school, Uche zeroed in on computer engineering. He quickly realized that he was not cut out for a sedentary job. Per his Mother’s encouragement, Uche did… Read more about Uche Nwambuonwo

Vanessa Mitchell

Vanessa Mitchell

“I would describe PVCC as a community college ahead of others,” says Vanessa Mitchell. “PVCC is deeply invested in their students and is committed to providing great opportunities for those who seek them.”

Two distinct activities made… Read more about Vanessa Mitchell

Vicky Phetteplace

Vicky Phetteplace

Helping out in her son’s preschool classroom afforded Vicky Phetteplace the opportunity to discover her passion. “I loved being with the kids, helping them in their daily activities, having conversations with them and watching their eyes light up… Read more about Vicky Phetteplace

Victor Atchison

Victor Atchison

Victor Atchison was desirous of a well-rounded college experience and the opportunity to encounter “more of what college is all about.” He heeded the suggestion of one of his instructors, Romy Nelson, and decided to extend his reach beyond online… Read more about Victor Atchison

Wilson Okwuobu

Wilson Okwuobu

Despite plans to attend ASU, Wilson Okwuobu decided to embark on his educational journey at PVCC upon learning that he qualified for the President’s scholarship. This scholarship covered his tuition was a “deal he could not forego.”

The… Read more about Wilson Okwuobu