Success Stories

Jon Lucas

Jon Lucas

Alumni leaves behind a permanent visible legacy while showing exemplary leadership skills at PVCC

Paradise Valley Community College alumnus Jonathan “Jon” Lucas was a familiar face at Paradise Valley Community College – in part … Read more about Jon Lucas

Jordyn Drake

Jordyn Drake

A theatre audition call back provided Jordyn the opportunity to find a welcoming learning environment. She wanted to have the close-knit feeling she enjoyed in high school, and the Theatre program sounded warm and inviting. “PVCC is a welcoming… Read more about Jordyn Drake

Jose Ornelas Hernandez

Jose Ornelas Hernandez

What inspired you to attend PVCC?

PVCC has always been a choice for me since I grew up in north Phoenix. After returning home from military service, I… Read more about Jose Ornelas Hernandez

Joshua Olsen

Joshua Olsen

Joshua Olsen’s decision to attend PVCC was a financial one. Rather than incurring debt starting at a four-year institution, Josh chose the opportunity to attend PVCC. As a recipient of the Honors Scholarship, Josh was able to complete his… Read more about Joshua Olsen

Josie Emch

Josie Emch

Not even a pandemic is going to stop alumna, Josie Emch, from launching her own business.  In March 2020, she did just that.  She combined her two passions, education and entrepreneurship, and created Sitters Select.  Sitters… Read more about Josie Emch

Junior Michael, Ed.D.

Junior Michael, Ed.D.

First as an Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, and now as Principal, Junior Michael has drawn on a can-do attitude and commitment to excellence. He gives credit to David Barney, PVCC's Cross Country and Track and Field Coach, who helped… Read more about Junior Michael, Ed.D.

Jyoti Dobriyale

Jyoti Dobriyale

The receipt of a Maricopa Community College flyer in the mail, coupled with a desire to brush up on her job skills, led Jyoti Dobriyale to PVCC.

Jyoti recognizes her Professors, Michelle Carter, Dorothy Behrens and Lynn Clark for playing a… Read more about Jyoti Dobriyale

Kaitlyn Simon

Kaitlyn Simon

Like many of the students who come to Paradise Valley Community College, Kaitlyn Simon did it all on her own, making the moment even sweeter. She navigated through the pandemic, juggling work and school to earn her associates degree in arts.… Read more about Kaitlyn Simon

Karen Staley

Karen Staley

What inspired you to attend PVCC?

I had not given any thought to attending college upon graduating from high school until my parents gave me a choice to enroll at a local community… Read more about Karen Staley

Kathryn Pawley Steiner

Kathryn Pawley Steiner

What inspired you to attend PVCC?

I was inspired to attend PVCC when we decided to have a home daycare for a few years after my daughter was born through ASCC. Association for Supportive Child Care would visit at least a… Read more about Kathryn Pawley Steiner

Kaylee Wright

Kaylee Wright

Kaylee Wright had a rocky start to her college career. After dropping out of college to travel South America and surviving an abusive marriage, her life experience had transcended her education. She returned to school, but it wasn’t until her… Read more about Kaylee Wright

Kelly Fenderson-Gonzales

Kelly Fenderson-Gonzales

A professional development opportunity provided the impetus for Kelly Fenderson-Gonzales to enroll at PVCC to complete a degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE). As a Center Director for a Preschool Program it became necessary for her to take… Read more about Kelly Fenderson-Gonzales

Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton

Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton

As a first-generation college student, Kelly followed the path of least resistance.  On her daily trips to high school, Kelly’s mother pointed out PVCC and stated, “This will be your college.”  The support and… Read more about Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton

Kerrin Kleinschmidt

Kerrin Kleinschmidt

Kerrin began her higher education pursuits at ASU on a scholarship. Due to her need to work while going to school, Kerrin decided it prudent to take classes during the summer so as to not overcommit during the fall and spring semesters.… Read more about Kerrin Kleinschmidt

Kyle Kacerek

Kyle Kacerek

Getting an introduction to backpacking and developing a love for the outdoors is Kyle Kacerek’s most positive memory of PVCC. As a member of the PVCC Emerging Leaders program, Kyle experienced his first backpacking trip. After this introduction… Read more about Kyle Kacerek