Academic Success Coaching

Academic Success Coaching

  • Excelling in school? Coaching can still help
    We love to hear about when students are doing well! Even for someone like you, academic success coaching can help you juggle work, life, and school and connect you with campus resources and offices that you may not be aware of.
  • Outside struggles affecting your schooling?
    Academic success coaches can support you with college success, study strategies, time management, and work-life-school balance. For help with additional issues, we can put you in touch with the appropriate services including Counseling, Career Services, and Financial Aid.
  • Schedule an appointment
    Appointment times fill up quickly, so call beforehand to schedule an appointment or stop by the front desk.
  • Booking multiple appointments
    You may book one academic reading coaching appointment at a time. At the end of your session, you can book the next appointment with your coach or at the front desk.
  • Canceling an appointment
    Please call the PTC front desk to cancel so we may reopen that appointment slot.