Buxton Library: Good Reads for 2021

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Buxton Library: Good Reads for 2021

Is ‘reading more’ one of your New Year resolutions? If so, Paradise Valley Community College’s Librarian, Paula Crossman, has put together a list of her top picks for Spring 2021. And if you need a little nudging or encouragement, how about checking out PVCC’s virtual book club PV Reads. For the spring semester, PVReads has picked The Perks of Being a Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky. The group meets virtually every other Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join. Please email Reading Faculty Michelle Bielick, michelle.bielick@paradisevalley.edu to join, or for more information. The first meeting this semester is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2nd.

Additionally, here are some selections chosen by PVCC’s Librarian, Paula Crossman.

Many of these books can be found in PVCC’s Buxton Library, which has the latest bestsellers and movies, as well as a multitude of other resources for students. Run out of things to watch on Netflix? Look for critically acclaimed movies and documentaries on the following streaming services offered through the library: Kanopy, Swank, and Docuseek.

For more information, visit  https://www.paradisevalley.edu/library, call 602-787-7200, or email library@paradisevalley.edu.